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Our Autumn series of talks for the Tolpuddle Family Lives programme
Our Autumn series of talks for the Tolpuddle Family Lives programme is now available here. All talks are free, but please ensure you book early to secure a place...
Relatives Lunch
It was lovely to host a lunch recently at the Martyrs’ Inn, Tolpuddle, introducing some of the relatives of the Tolpuddle Martyrs who had not already made contact with each...
‘Drop-in’ Launch
If you missed the Launch of ‘Tolpuddle Family Lives’ on 3rd April, a reminder that we are having a ‘drop-in’ launch on the afternoon of Saturday April 6th, 2pm-4pm. All...
Tolpuddle Family Lives Launch
On Wednesday April 3rd, at 7pm in the Chapel, we will be holding a launch of our programme, ‘Tolpuddle Family Lives’. Come along and have a glass of wine (other...
Tolpuddle Family Lives
We are delighted to announce that from April to October 2024 we will be running a project under the title of ‘Tolpuddle Family Lives’ funded by Historic England’s Everyday Heritage...