After my talk at the Old Chapel on Wednesday 3rd April, I was asked by a number of the audience to post further details of some of the books to which I referred. So here they are: J.L.Hammond and Barbara Hammond, The Village Labourer, 1760 – 1832. Published in 1927, this is a classic path-breaking history of the effects of the enclosures in this period. E.P.Thompson, The Making of the English Working Class (1963) has been described as the greatest post-war history in the second half of the 20thC. It says so on the back cover. But in this case, it’s actually true: a magisterial and massively influential history. Emma Griffin’s Bread Winner (2020) is a wonderful study of the intimate Victorian family lives, based on her reading of over 700 working-class autobiographies. Barbara Kerr’s, Bound to the Soil: A Social History of Dorset (1975) – see my Kerr blog for more!